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Advocating Refuge
Advocate for a Refugee Family


Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2


“Advocacy is empathy, compassion and community at work. “It isn’t simply “speaking out” or “raising awareness;” it’s grounded in true care for the cause and people, as well as working within a community. Too many self-professed advocates neglect the community part of advocacy and focus on their own ideas and goals instead of those they’re trying to supposedly help. True advocacy is based on understanding and empowering others.”

- Janna Cachola


We hold the belief that God works profoundly within a community. When God kindles a fire in our souls and unveils the challenges faced by refugees, He urges us to spread that fervor to others. His Refuge desires to instill in the church a deep commitment to refugees and immigrants, going beyond mere awareness to actively providing support and fostering a sense of community.

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©2021 by His Refuge. 

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